Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Shout Outs!

I thought I'd start this post by baiting you with a picture...blasphemous you say? Nah...just smart ;)

Whatcha thinkin' about Rob?

Rob was actually just thinking about how it's due time for some shout outs. Especially since we just surpassed 50 followers!!! (Do I hear a F*CK yeah!?) That may seem minuscule in the Twilight blogosphere, however, we think it's pretty kick ass...AND, we couldn't have done it without all of YOU. It still blows my mind that people actually choose to type in our address and take a peek. I love posting, and knowing you actually want to read it, is added motivation. I'm sure in the next few months, things are only going to get more exciting around stay tuned! Meanwhile let's celebrate you, OUR FOLLOWERS!

This will be Elusive S & me when we hit 100 followers!!! jk

Often I find that I have blog-checking OCD. It's like I MUST check all the blogs I follow on a daily basis, multiple times a day. It's in my nature to be a bit obsessive...& besides, I'm afraid I'll miss something. Everyone of the blogs out there offers something unique, and everyone has their own "voice." Not to get all sappy dappy, but I feel we are an encouraging community of writers. Everyone seems to want to see everyone else thrive...that, or they're just greedy for more RPattz pics & vids (hey, no shame!)

Honestly I doubt Twired would exist if it wasn't for Twitarded. They were one of the first blogs I discovered. What I immediately loved about them was that they just put it all out there like dirty laundry. There is no fluff or fuss with them. They give it to you straight up. They're not trying to be "funny" or "gross" or to "shock" anyone, it's just who they are, and it's f*cking hysterical. After being inspired to start my own blog, and inviting Elusive S to join me, I realized just how much help other blogs could be...not only with getting the "word out on the street"...but in answering silly questions and encouraging us. The following ladies were a HUGE help with that:

Twibite & her bestie
17foreverlisa <~~~ Lisa if you see this...I miss you long time!

THANK YOU ladies...I owe you Robert Pattinson, if I can ever get my little hands on him. Wait, who am I kidding? I'd keep him to myself. Moving on...I have recently discovered some new blogs that I'd like to mention. Granted, they may not be new to you, but I'd like to give them shout outs anyway. The first 3, I have been following for about a month or so (???)...time flies in twitarded land.

Lick my Poptart: Poptarrt, my favorite little Brit. She always has something poignant to say...and she's funny too!

Twilight, Travel & Treats: Jen is a sweetheart & has an amazingly creative & diverse blog. Plus, she's in Vancouver...Breaking Dawn...what? LOL. Check her out!

The Cougar's Den: Mama Cougar is a firecracker! Plus she has some great vids on'll be jealous of her "den."

The following ladies, I have just recently started following (ok that was redundant.) They're all unique & lend themselves to my bloggy-checking OCD.

Confessions of a Twiholic: Jelena, you rock! She has always taken the time out to comment on our posts, and it was only recently that I realized she had a beautiful blog. (blonde moment!)


Confessions of a Cullenary Curser

(dying for a new post!!!)


Tigerlily's Tirade

Twilight Mommy

Our Twilight Bubble


Dangrdafne Days of Delirium <~~~ She just started her blog, though she's been lurking around for quite a while. SO EXCITED. Check her out!

As I wrap this up, I leave you with a few new-ish pics from Remember Me...

...and because he's just soooo aDORKable, here's a new one from one of the RM press junkets.

Wonder if he just got done romping in the sack with KStew???
(crosses fingers & toes)

pics from Robsessed


Saturday, February 27, 2010

My jaw is on the floor.

So normally we try & post once a day...sometimes more, rarely less. Of course when Robsten pics surface, I'm like a crack whore who needs her fix. However, I promise Robsten in this post. Just pure Robward. Oh, and the SEX STRUT at it's best. Holy Mother of all things Twilight!!!

Oh My Gawd

Biel is phenomenal at this video stuff! I'm blown away by this one especially. I'm sure a lot of you have seen this already today..but in case you haven't, or would like to watch it again and again and again...stop on by...anytime.

PS Bloggy shout-out post coming VERY soon.

XOXO J's like coffee, but better!

Unless you're TWIRED

Mmm nothing like a little Robsten to pep me up on a rainy Forrrrkkkks-like Sat morning. Yesterday it was reported that they'd been spotted at Heathrow departing for the good ol' US. This morning, pictures show them arriving safely at JFK, with TomStu in tow. Since Kristen is with Rob in know what that means? She's tagging along with him as he does appearances for Remember Me!!! SQUEEE! (ok ok ok, I know, she's promoting The Runaways there too...) Rob's slated to be on the Today Show at 7am PST (10am for you on EST) on Mon 3/1! You better believe I will have my alarm set. Then the Remember Me premiere is that evening at the Paris Theatre in NYC. I seriously cannot wait to see all the pics that will be surely popping up all over the place this week. Sometimes it makes me head spin...I can't devour it all fast enough.

Here are the pics of them arriving at JFK. They look relatively happy, so I feel alright about posting these. Obviously I'm just trying to convince myself that it's just go with it.

Kristen, Tom & Rob @ JFK

Oh lovely to see you.

P.S. Here is RPattz agenda for the next couple of days:

Monday 3/1
Today Show 7am PST
Remember Me Premiere 7pm PST

Tues 3/2
Late Show w/ Jimmy Fallon 12:30am
The View (gawd help him!) 11am
Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart 11pm

***In case you missed Sista's previous post, please check it out immediately below. My dear Sista' Sarah is now going to be officially known as (drum roll please...) "ELUSIVE S." This was her occasional nickname, and we both found it fitting, considering she is quite elusive when it comes to our blog. Granted she works, takes classes and practically has a Zoo in her we'll let her elusiveness slide. ;) You can continue calling me Jen or J...whatev'. I also answer to "hey whore!" & "Mrs. Pattinson."

P.S. If you would like to view more Robsten pics, check out Robsessed.

***Our thoughts are w/ all of those affected by the Chilean earthquake

Friday, February 26, 2010

Twired? Sure, but I'm so eluuuusive.

So... just so ya know... TwiredSar is obsolete... I am officially Elusive S now... so don't get all confused-like when you see a new name here on Twired.

... Do keep in mind that when Jackson and I get married I will probably have to stop blogging, for privacy reasons of course. Surely I will stop by as a guest blogger from time to time... probably by the name of ElusiveSRathbone ;). Now that we have the names cleared up, I leave you with this:

I figured I didn't HAVEta crop Jen...
since she'll be the MOH (Not to be confused w/MOS...bahaha!)
of course... :D


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Resurrected errr...resERECTED?

I'd like to insert (he he he she said insert!) a friendly warning on the this post. No, it's not like one of those warnings from Twitarded: "May go blind after reading this dirrrrty ass shit." It's more like Mrs. P's recent title "Mrs. P Is On A Caffeine Drip And Answering Questions." Except I'm on 2 + glasses of wine. WOAH...notify Chief Swan! I know, 2 isn't so bad...shit, it's not even questionable. However, I didn't eat a lot today, and I burned about 350 calories on the elliptical machine at the gym...while watching some racket ball players sweat it out...needless to say, this should be fun!

I have this pic on my fridge...for reals.

Anyhoo, I was sitting here on the couch watching a marathon of Real Housewives of OC (dirrrrty biotches!) & tweeting , when all of a sudden my ears tuned in to the most enticing sound........Robert Pattinson's voice. OH-MY-GAWD! My neck flew up so fast I may have to wear a brace for the next couple of weeks. Holy Hell, Robert Pattinson was on Bravo...ok well it was a TV spot for Remember Me. Emilie De Raven's twangy voice broke through my reverie. He was being interviewed for all of about 15 sec prior to promoting Remember Me. It wasn't the trailer, it was BETTER.

"WHAT are you trying to say...sooo confuuusseed!!!"

What I'm trying to say is that I have been neglecting Robert lately... WHAT? I have been neglecting Robert lately. I it goes. I guess I just haven't been as obsessed as I normally am lately? Maybe it started with the drought? Maybe it was because I didn't "LOVE" the Details Mag pics? Maybe it's because he's soooo far away in London? I can't quite narrow it down to anything in particular. I'm sure some of you are thinking "Well shit, it's got to be the BAFTA hair!?!" Nope, it wasn't that. In fact, I quite enjoyed that look. Oh and btw, their was this one pic where I thought..."I bet Kristen in next to him!" It was a pic of just him, but he was looking to his left...well lookey is the FULL pic. GO ROBSTEN!

I kind of like his hair actually...AND THIS IS TOTALLY CUT & PASTE! Someone is trying to fool me!

You're probably thinking "Where the F is she going with this post?" Well, I was searching for Rob's BAFTA hair, and I saw that pic. You know me & Robsten...I lose my train of thought. It's like dangling a mouse in front of snake...

Moving on
...I kind of found Rob's BAFTA hair..."cute" ....and it ignited my panties just a bit. I hadn't felt that in several weeks...Then I watched Twilight last night...just up until the bad Vamps. That cafeteria entrance scene does it to me every time.

Go to 1.09 to skip thru all the b*llshit :)

Then the BRAVO TV spot came on tonight and I was putty on the couch. I guess my Robsession just needed a little "res-ERECTING"...not literally, CLITORALLY. :) Man, it didn't take much. Now I'm back on the Pattinson Train. Woot Woot! Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga!

Speaking of Mr. RPattz...I was having a convo with the owner of the Twifans website. We were chatting about the upcoming Eclipse movie premiere in LA. Not sure when it is yet..though I'm sure if I did a little detective work like I did for New Moon...I could figure it out. Anyhoo, when Twired Sista', aka Elusive S and I went...she swore she'd never do it again. She enjoyed it, but the waiting all day and blah blah blah really wasn't her thing. Plus she'd had her fill of JRath from the night before. Curious? Read it here...

Anyways, I said to the gal at Twifans that I wasn't sure about going to Eclipse. Then I thought to myself, who am I kidding? OF COURSE I'm going to try and go. The high I received from being 10 ft away from The Precious was euphoric & panty bursting! No...I'm not going to camp out, nor am I going to be in line by 8am. I have a much better idea. Annnddd you think I'm going to tell you here? No way Jose'! That's like giving away trade secrets...I just know that I saw peeps have a much easier and lucrative time of it. Sure, I could camp out for days and get wristbands, but I'm just not that adventurous. Plus, I really really really pride myself on hygiene..

WOAH! Um, I google-image "hygiene" and this is what I get. How ironic.

Hmm...well let's just pray RPattz is the one on the right....Anyways, I have a few more things to mention before I let you go.

1. Remember Me is out in theaters on March 12th!!! Even better than that, the Eclipse trailer will be premiering prior to the movie!!! Can't you just hear the squeeeeeees!?!

2. The New Moon DVD will be out on March 20th!!! Have you pre-ordered your copy? I haven't!!! I get a sick thrill from thinking I'm just going to turn up at Target and they'll have one with my name on it....they will...wont they?

3. Eclipse comes out in theaters on June 30th!!!!

Now that I'm back on the Pattinson train, I leave you with this. My all time FAVORITE Robert Pattinson vid. I could watch it over and over and over.

Gawd that man is so SEXY it hurts.


PFachy Luv!

How cute! Since I just love Peter Facinelli, I thought I'd put this up this morning...until I'm inspired this evening (prob with a glass of wine) to write something creative, or at the very least, funny. I figured opening a bottle of wine to inspire a post at 9:30am, might raise a red flag.


Peter even tweeted some gratitude to the the fans. What do you all think about Peter? I think he's ADORABLE.. those arms, hot damn those arms!

Check it out here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

KStew Burberry Hotness & some ROBSTEN!

Kristen was spotted today in London attending the Burberry Prorsum fashion show for London Fashion Week. First she's spotted outside of the Chealsea College of Art & Design, then inside clearly enjoying the show. I never pegged KStew as the fashion show type...but then again what's the "type?"

Hot Damn Kristen!!! Check out those creamy legs & that devlish stare!

Here she is seemingly enjoying herself between Kate Hudson and Claire Danes.
What's up with Ms. Olsen & those glasses. Puh-lease.

I wonder where Rob was today...OH YAH, he's a workin' man! Oh, and btw, I had previously mentioned that I was surprised that there weren't any pics of Robsten around BAFTA awards time...HOLD YOUR BREATH "ROBSTEN FANS"...Here they are leaving (or arriving?) the Greygoose BAFTA after party. Ugh...I want to post it so bad. Isn't giving you the link just as horrible? Whatever, it makes me feel better to do it this way. SQUEEEEE they are so cute. Love em'.

Some people, who will remain nameless...(I assure you it's not any of my bloggy friends)...say "Of course they're hanging out, they have worked on 3 movies together thus far. That doesn't mean they're dating." All I hear is..."Blah, blah, blah, blah."

Oh & by the way....


What do you think of Kristen's BAFTA dress...of Rob's Bel Ami hair?

I am feeling super colorful today...can you tell? I can't get the damn color to change back dagnabit! Anyhoo...remember how the British tabloid "The Sun" had reported that RPattz had admitted to dating KStew while on the red carpet at the BAFTAS...well my friends...Gossip Cop did a little investigation, and here is what they said. Of course he didn't admit it, but he also didn't deny it. Smug little Brit, how I love you so.

(btw, thank you to my bloggy friends who "don't give a crapsten" let me have my Robsten obsession, and you don't judge...*Muah!*)


*You can view more of the pics I posted here.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Well hello there! If you haven't seen the original pic I posted as a teaser, check it out here. I had a surprise guest at my 30th birthday party! Thanks to Twired Sista' Sarah...EDWARD CULLEN came!!! (get your mind out of the gutter you dirrrty whores!)

We told him it was Bella's blood...thought it would buy us more time...sshhhh!

Ahh, and the Edward Cullen shenanigans begin...

One of the Grandma's and a friend (who I like to call my "mail order bride")...were choosing to ignore the watchful eye of Mr. Cullen.

My "mail order bride" could no longer ignore Edward's watchful gaze... I think she misunderstood and thought it was a lustful gaze.

Not So Twired Dad tried to cop-a-feel!!! OH MY GAWD...DAD!?!?!?

First NST Dad, then NST Bf...what the hell? I think Edward was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. I told him we'd eventually find some alone time.

Even Twired Sista' tried a quick smooch...fortunately I think Edward was starting to fall unconditionally and irrevocably in love with ME.

Apparently my NST bestie found it really funny that Edward was much obliged to indulge me.

Sarah thought Edward might fit in a bit better down in La Push...I think he looked very "San Diego."
Though I would have preferred him in his birthday suit.

Sparkly? Uncircumcised? Crooked? Small?!!?......I had to find out for myself...

As you can see, cardboard Edward was a hit. I didn't include all the Edward related pics because honestly, cropping out ppl's faces was starting to get f-ing annoying. He was definitely a hit though. The greatest part, I get to keep him! Unfortunately, he's going to stay folded up in my spare closet....I doubt NST boyfriend would appreciate his watchful (lustful) gaze over me as we sleep. Though I'm betting I'll take him out now and then when I'm alone. ;) And, he's definitely coming out for any parties I throw at the condo...that's for sure.

And here are a few odds and ends:

The table was super cute! NST Mom made the little "umbrella drink stick" centerpiece.

I received 2 bottles of the above wine. Was it too much to ask to have them cover up "Valley of the" and just put "New" ??? Actually, I think 1 person thought I'd appreciate it and make the connection...which of course I did...hello, I have Tw-brain. I could find a way to incorporate Twilight into everything. I had to physically point it out to the other person...and she's a Twi fan. Ugh...I'll let it slide...she's been recovering from a sinus infection. Gross.

Then I got this. Granted one person combined it with the above wine...which I give them kudos for. They even included some New Moon napkins! However...I wonder if they knew Godiva made real Twilight endorsed milk chocolate bars? Oh who am I kidding...RL people don't know that shit! Luckily, I prefer dark the one I got was PERFECT.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Incase you haven't seen...

Both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart attended the BAFTA (ha ha ha I typed BARFTA at first) awards in England on Sunday evening. Where are the pics of them arriving at the airport together? Where are the pics of them sneaking off to kiss behind stage? Yah right... Oh how I'm hoping some pics will pop up soon. It must be the Robsten LOVER in me :) In the meantime, here is Sir Sparkly himself presenting, as well as Kristen Stewart accepting her Orange Rising Star award. YAY Kristen! Congrats!!!

I LOVE Kristen Stewart. She is just so adorable. I got the vibe that she was truly surprised & humbled that she won, which is neat. As for Rob, OH MY GAWD. I don't normally LOVE Rob with longer hair, but I am totally swooning over his Bel Ami-do. Plus, that man can rock a tux like nobody's business. Hot Damn.

*Keepin' this one short...I'm a "bit" hungover.


Surprise Guest

He came!!!

"I flew thru the forrest at 80 mph to be here...Happy Birthday my love."

And that my friends, is what was waiting for me as I walked thru my parents front door. Oh dear Twired Sista' Sarah, how I love thee so!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fashion Frustration + some odds & ends.

I posted way more than I thought I would this week. However I think this is where it all comes to a screeching halt. I could NOT, for the life of me, find a "party dress" for my 30th bash. I searched the biggest mall in San Diego...Fashion Valley has Bloomingdales, Macys, Nordstroms, Saks, Niemens, well as everything from Hermes & Gucci, to H&M &The Gap. I also went to 2 other malls, as well as some outlets near the border. No such luck. Booooo! So I am drinkin' some vino, & drowning my sorrows...which inevitably leads to a post...Readers BEWARE....hopefully it will take my mind off of the fact that I might show up to my own party in my "birthday suit," literally. JK. I do have a worst case scenario option...but you ladies know how that is. You feel like everyone is going to remember the 1 or 2 times you have worn it before. Even if it was like 4 years ago. Thank god the skirt still fits!

That might be me...minus Kate Moss, the dude, the brown curly hair...oh... & and add about 20lbs.

Enough of my bitching...moving on to a more pleasant topic of conversation: Mr. MOS himself, Jackson Rathbone. Here is a recent vid of him talking with Reelz Channel about his upcoming movie "The Last Airbender" & of course the much anticipated "Eclipse." I know he looks a little scruffy, but he is sooooo SEXY in person. Believe me. Twired Sista' and I have seen him up close and personal 4 times...he does not disappoint! Listen to his voice by the way, it's like sex in a box. Ridiculous.

Even though Taylor is technically legal these days... I still grapple with the idea of finding him attractive in a sexual way...And, being team Edward/Rob, I also feel like a traitor posting pics of him...however it's important to keep the masses happy. Which masses am I referring to? Um..Hello, we've reached 40 blog followers!!! Twired Sista' says that's almost 50! (my math isn't so good) Anyhoo, for those Taylor fans out there, I give you this:

Umm, are those his mipples? Damn his arms look good! What? Stop it! *slaps face*

Moving on..I am soooo PISSED! Every time I try to watch KStew's new vid from Reelz Channel regarding the Eclipse proposal scene, my Mozilla crashes! Grrrrr! Feel free to try it, but don't hold me responsible if your Firefox freezes and/or crashes...not my fault.

For the time being, here's a pic from the vid I cannot access without crashing...M*ther F*cker! <~~~~~~doesn't that sound like something KStew would say if she were frustrated?!? She is too cute, as always.

Alrighty bloggy world, tomorrow is the Dirrrrty 30 Party, and Sunday is NST Mommy's birthday/recovery day. I doubt you'll hear from us until Monday. If it's a good party, you might not even hear from us until Tues. I hope you stay tuned...I'm sure we'll have lots of fun stories for you. Twired Sista' said 2 of my surprises arrived today...I asked her if she was hiding RPattz in the bathroom and JRath in the garage. (Crosses fingers & toes!) I'm truly hoping to show up tomorrow and see this:

"Sarah told me to wait here in the garage...I was catching a bit of a chill."
"Don't worry Rob, I'll warm you right up!"

"Hey there Jen, just sittin' here waitin' for your arrival ...hoping to sing ya Happy Birthday."
"Sing to me out here Jackson, Sarah doesn't need to know...."


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eclipse Whores Unite!

I just finished reading a post by Jenny Jerkface entitled The Case of the Absent-Minded Spoiler Whore & it got me thinking...Did all of my New Moon spoiler whoring around ruin my New Moon experience? Um......NO. However, the devils advocate in me wonders had I not witnessed any spoilers, could New Moon have been better? I can't say for sure, because I did tramp around, soaking up as much New Moon spoiler goodness as humanly possible.

I google image whore, and this is what I get :)

As far as whether or not the spoilers have any impact on ones enjoyment of an anticipated movie, such as Eclipse...I'll never know. And, I'm not willing to find out! I guess ignorance is bliss? Plus I kinda like being whorrish...when it come to the Twilight Saga..(wink wink)

Oh, and for those of you that spoiler-whored yourselves silly for New Moon, and would like to remain all f*cking Virgin-like for Eclipse...I give you this:

Give it a try u wannabe born again Virgins!

Not sure if it works, so don't come crying to me if you can't mend your Twimen.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kristen Stewart & some man-candy...what?

Kristen Stewart was spotted in LA getting out of her mini-cooper and running into none other than her "Into the Wild" director, Sean Penn. I love Sean Penn. He reminds me a lot of my cousin Chris on my Dad's side. In fact, my Dad kinda has a Sean Penn look/vibe. Ok..that was weird. Moving on...I just think Kristen Stewart looks so beautiful when she's smiling...which is why I am posting these pap pics of her.


rockin' the Ray bans

You don't normally see celebrities sporting the same clothes and or jewelry multiple times. However, you can count on KStew to wear her watch and those rings, in addition to her signature hoodie, band tee & skinny jeans in most pap photo's.

Here is a pre-mullet pap shot, notice the watch, a hoodie & skinny I think she is wearing at least one of the 2 rings she always wears.

I definitely prefer the ballet flats to the tennis shoes

As if you didn't already know, I LOVE KRISTEN STEWART. She's truly an individual. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else she has in store for us. Truthfully, if I'd never seen Twilight, I doubt I would have been even remotely interested in seeing her in other movies. Now, I can't wait to see the Runaways! I'm also very anxious to see how "Bella" evolves in Eclipse & Breaking Dawn (crosses fingers and toes!)

Here are a few of my favorite Kristen Stewart pictures:

Vampy Bella...& a hot Vamp at that.

Super model look...

This is definitely her Sex Kitten look ...oh gosh, how did Rob get in there? Hope he's pokin' her with his sparkly peen!

I love how Kristen's look is so versatile. I also love how she keeps it real. Speaking of keepin' it real...I found this AMAZING vid from Honolulu Girl at True Blood Twilight via Lisa at 17foreverlisa. Being the Robsten/Bellward fan that I took my breath away.

I LOVE the song! Totally reminds me of a clip in the 1996 movie Fear, where Reese Witherspoon is getting fingerbanged by Mark Wahlberg on a roller coaster. Man, I was 16 when that movie came out...boy was I a shocked by that scene...and sorta turned on. It was a different Mazzy Star song, a rendition of Wild Horses... I remember wanting to find a guy and a roller coaster pronto. Speaking of MW...

Marky Mark is lookin' good!

Um..hell-o Kellan!

Not sure how this turned into a man-candy post, but it did...and I'm ok with that. Now, if only we could get Rob to pose like that...I'm thinkin' there might be a bit more hair and a little less man muscle...;)

*You can view the rest of those KStew in LA pics, including the back of Sean Penn's head at x17online and Kellan shirtless and such here.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

THE Table.

OMG we're nearing 40 followers! Which is almost FIFty which is half of one HUN-dred! Yippee!

Elusive as I am, I have to share a laugh I had the other day when the most blasphemous comment was made to me by a random teacher-y lady in Barnes & Noble... You see, I was shopping for Jen's birthday presents and happened upon THE table. You all know what table I am talking about: The Twilight Paraphernalia Table... Full of the (expected) copies of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (as if there is anyone who doesn't yet have a copy?!), calendars, bookmarks, 'keep sake boxes', journals, posters, guides... etc, etc. But as I 'nonchalantly' perused, something new caught my eye; Nightlight: A Twilight Parody by The Harvard Lampoon. I snagged it, relieved that (since it was a parody), had I been asked, I wouldn't have to admit my twitartedly, twired behavior, jacksonitis and robsession to someone...

Back to blasphomous comment! Teacher lady eyes me from across the table and I eye back (I am a bit worried-Twilight Time is my private time... my special place that is mostly shared alone or with sista). Then she uttered words I was not expecting; "Watch out, they're addicting.". "Excuse me, what?" I am sure my face read just that. Being a bit more reclusive in my [public] twilight endeavors I just managed a smile, a nod and an 'I know'. Mind you, it was 10 on a Sunday morning and had consumed only 1 cup of coffee... I occasionally come across as reserved... even though in
actuality I am feverishly outgoing and painfully opinionated... Anyhoo, behind the quiet exterior of Sunday Morning Barnes and Noble Sarah, here's what was really going through my mind: Addicting? First of all, it's 'addictive', teacher lady, what grade do you teach? Secondly, watch out? Do you know I have a BLOG? A freaking BLOG. Dedicated to all things Twilight (Rob and Jackson in particular)? Do you know I have seen Jackson FIVE times and spoken to him three times? Do you know I have an only half-joking plan to squirm my way into Jackson's life, f*ck his brains out and then get him to marry me so I can have it for the rest of my existence? Didja know Rob was about two yards away from us at the NM premiere? NM premiere? Did you know we waited in line all day for that? Did you know Alex Meraz tweeted my sister and we saw Julia Jones at The Grove in Westwood after I saw her in CBTL the month before?! Do you know that I suffer from an intense strain of jacksonitis and that I am highly contagious? Come just a liiiiiitle closer and I'll show you how addictive (erm, contagious) it actually is, because lady, I'm past the warnee stage. I should be the one to warn you, trust me :)

Ah, let's take a short trip back to
Nightlight for anyone that is interested... I of course, like most of us am a bit sensitive and protective about anything twilight... but for some reason appreciate parodies and twilight jokes, maybe because I realize how extensive my obsession is? Example- I [puffy] heart RPattz, but I find the 'melted candle' cartoon freaking hysterical.

Anyhoo, Nightlight: Belle Goose and Edwart Mullen in Switchblade... that about sold me. The rear cover sent it under my arm, enroute to the register:

"About three things I was absolutely certain.First, Edwart was most likely my soul mate, maybe.
Second, there was a vampire part of him – which I assumed was wildly out of his control – that wanted me dead.And third, I unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogeneously, gynecologically, and disreputably wished he had kissed me."

And thus Belle Goose falls in love with the mysterious and sparkly Edwart Mullen in the Harvard Lampoon's hilarious send-up.

Pale and klutzy, Belle arrives in Switchblade, Oregon, looking for adventure or at least an undead classmate. She soon discovers Edwart, a super-hot computer nerd with zero interest in girls. After witnessing a number of strange events - Edwart leaves his Tater Tots untouched at lunch! edwart saves her from a flying snowball! - Belle has a dramtic revelation: Edwart is a vampire. But how can she convince Edwart to bite her when he seems to find girls so repulsive?

Complete with romance, danger, insufficient parental guardianship, creepy stalkerlike behavior, and a vampire prom, Nightlight is the uprorious tale of a vampire-obsessed girl, looking for love in all the wrong places."

Sounds funny, right? I got it home and skimmed through it (I felt like I had found a fab new FF or something). Yeah, not so good- the back cover was probably the funniest writing in the whole thing... thus I exchanged it for, "Are You There Vodka? It's me, Chelsea" By Chelsea Handler. Ah well, it gave me a second to have a silent, 1-sided screaming match about the effects of the crack-laced work of Stephenie Meyer that is Twilight.

And with that, Elusive S must get back to rl studying. Happy Birthday big sis.


A little short on time...

....but found time for this. While checking up on one of my favorite bloggy ladies Lisa, over at 17foreverlisa, I stumbled across this picture she posted today. I was truly stunned into silence...which is a rarity. Wowza

source: Candykizzes24, by way of 17foreverlisa

This is a beautiful manip! Mr. Pattinson is looking extra delish, and KStew is smokin' HOT!
Yes, I give a total and complete CRAPSTEN!!! Take that Mrs. P! ( ya!)

UPDATE: Links work now...thanks to Mrs. P!