Often I find that I have blog-checking OCD. It's like I MUST check all the blogs I follow on a daily basis, multiple times a day. It's in my nature to be a bit obsessive...& besides, I'm afraid I'll miss something. Everyone of the blogs out there offers something unique, and everyone has their own "voice." Not to get all sappy dappy, but I feel we are an encouraging community of writers. Everyone seems to want to see everyone else thrive...that, or they're just greedy for more RPattz pics & vids (hey, no shame!)
Honestly I doubt Twired would exist if it wasn't for Twitarded. They were one of the first blogs I discovered. What I immediately loved about them was that they just put it all out there like dirty laundry. There is no fluff or fuss with them. They give it to you straight up. They're not trying to be "funny" or "gross" or to "shock" anyone, it's just who they are, and it's f*cking hysterical. After being inspired to start my own blog, and inviting Elusive S to join me, I realized just how much help other blogs could be...not only with getting the "word out on the street"...but in answering silly questions and encouraging us. The following ladies were a HUGE help with that:
Twibite & her bestie
17foreverlisa <~~~ Lisa if you see this...I miss you long time!
THANK YOU ladies...I owe you Robert Pattinson, if I can ever get my little hands on him. Wait, who am I kidding? I'd keep him to myself. Moving on...I have recently discovered some new blogs that I'd like to mention. Granted, they may not be new to you, but I'd like to give them shout outs anyway. The first 3, I have been following for about a month or so (???)...time flies in twitarded land.
Lick my Poptart: Poptarrt, my favorite little Brit. She always has something poignant to say...and she's funny too!
Twilight, Travel & Treats: Jen is a sweetheart & has an amazingly creative & diverse blog. Plus, she's in Vancouver...Breaking Dawn...what? LOL. Check her out!
The Cougar's Den: Mama Cougar is a firecracker! Plus she has some great vids on youtube...you'll be jealous of her "den."
The following ladies, I have just recently started following (ok that was redundant.) They're all unique & lend themselves to my bloggy-checking OCD.
Confessions of a Twiholic: Jelena, you rock! She has always taken the time out to comment on our posts, and it was only recently that I realized she had a beautiful blog. (blonde moment!)
Confessions of a Cullenary Curser
(dying for a new post!!!)
Tigerlily's Tirade
Twilight Mommy
Our Twilight Bubble
Dangrdafne Days of Delirium <~~~ She just started her blog, though she's been lurking around for quite a while. SO EXCITED. Check her out!
As I wrap this up, I leave you with a few new-ish pics from Remember Me...

(crosses fingers & toes)