Hey ladies-
It's almost Friday, thank gawd. This week has been a whirlwind, that's for sure.
That said....
I figured.....
It's finally time to come clean...
not that I was dirrrrty or anything...
But you know what I mean.
I kid.
Geez, I may not be as absolutely crazy consumed as I used to be, but I still love Twilight. That's for sure.
This is actually when I meant..
Slightly disturbing, I know.
Yup, that's right, another Twitard in this community is pregnant.
I'm actually 13 weeks today, 1 more week to go until they count the start of your 2nd trimester/4 mos.
Who knew it could happen the first time?!? I was on the pill for FOREVER, then went off & had two normal periods...the first time we did it, BAM! I think both of us thought that it would take awhile & neither of us wanted to put too much pressure on the situation. Turns out that either DG's sperm happen to be little Michael Phelps clones, or I have some pretty snazzy eggs. Either way, it was a one shot wonder.
Anyways, all has been great so far. I definitely had a few weeks major food aversions & a bit of nausea. I was also a bit more tired than normal...but nothing major. Just had our 2nd Doctors appt. this Tuesday morning and heard the heartbeat for the first time ... which was pretty darn cool. It was 155 bpm. However, Tuesday afternoon I had a very tiny bit of spotting when I wiped (sorry TMI,) which of course freaked me the fuck out. It was very pale brown & I DID NOT have any cramping or red blood...but I seriously almost passed out from nerves. I spoke with both a nurse, then my OBGYN & they assured me that it's fairly common. Apparently about 30% of women experience some sort of spotting. They said the only time to be really concerned is if I'm cramping with red blood. Of course that hasn't set my mind at ease...but I assume most any other woman would feel just as nervous as I do.
I know things can happen, and I have sort of prepared myself for it since I found out back in late January...however I can't live every day worried (easier said than done.) What's meant to be, will be. Right? One day at a time. But so far, so good.
Advice, thoughts, experiences WELCOME in the comments.
Oh yah, and I'm not really showing much....my neighbor noticed the other day, but I think it's because I had on thin yoga pants and a tank. Here's a pic we took at 12 weeks.
Not much....
PS Not drinking wine sucks ass. Those that told me I'd get used to it, or not want it are nutso.
Just sayin'.