Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bitch Face Bella, Angry Edward and Sore Me.

Not really sure my post has a point they ever?'s my day's gorgeous out...and I think I'm going to curl up on the couch & watch Twilight. I'm SUPER sore from a SET class (strength endurance training) I took with a friend at 24 hour fitness yesterday morning. I seriously feel like Edward must have felt when Felix slammed him onto the marble floor.

Can't. Move. Dead.

BUT, I'm going to do it again next week. I was looking for something new, as my regular work outs were getting old...and if you haven't noticed, bathing suit season is approaching ;) I was always afraid to try this class on my own, so it was great to go with one of my RL besties who happens to take it once or twice a week herself. If you happen to have a 24 hour membership, I totally recommend trying this class. It's basically a step class, but you use free weights and a barbell to add strength resistance. keep in mind, you can totally go at your own pace, as well as do it w/ super light weights if you're new to working out. Just to get an idea, here's a short clip.

Moving on to something a lot less painful, check out the NEW Eclipse banner featuring Bella. Lookin' a little bitchy there Bells. Of course I love it nonetheless.

AND, check out this new vid of the confrontation between E & J. This vid is a bit longer and shows us Edward pulling up in the Volvo ready to rip Jake a new one.


OMG, I am sooooo SQUEEEEING right now! June 30th cannot come fast enough. I remember not long ago I wasn't really feelin' it...I am now making up for it.

IF you didn't see the pics of THE PRECIOUS filming W for E today somewhere in LA, check them out here. Tons of pics! Sigh...



  1. huh? Workout? Does not compute. Wear bathing suit in public? Does not compute.

    Sorry, I can't watch the spoilers. I'm still saving myself and refuse to watch clips from Eclipse. It better be better than NM or I will Face Punch the movie screen.

  2. @Mox - LMAO! "Facepunch the computer screen."

  3. you go girl! gosh, rob really got his ass kicked in that scene didn't he!?
    how hot is he in the WFE pics? i'm melting from his hotness.

  4. You can take your class and I will sit in the corner with my bucket of cake and cry. :)

    Jacob needs to be taller...ruining it for me. *sigh*.

  5. @Stoney - Pass the bucket of cake!! mmmm....

    Squeeeeeeing at the trailer too!!!

  6. @Stoney - THANK YOU!!! Jacob *DOES* need to be taller! Can't they do some graphix thing and make it right? Just because you cast a shrimp doesn't mean he has to look like one onscreen!

  7. Moxie & Stoney: I concur. I have no idea what 'work out' means. Stoney- I'll bake the cake myself (got an A in adv baking last semester)... Raitz - I'll make one for you too! What's your fave flavor?

  8. Angry Edward, sideclick to check out the W4E pics and cake! What a fab place to hang out....I am ignoring the talk of exercise! I am still recovering from all the walking/hiking from our public transport system for a few weeks. Thanks Jen :-)

  9. Gosh, every time I watch that clip I get this giddy giggly thing going I can't keep it in. I'm so loving the new promo pics! I agree with everyone else...give Jake some heels or something. Dude needs to be taller!!

    You just reminded me that I failed at my workout resolutions for the week...I guess I'll start over again next week. You can only start exercising plans on Mondays.


  10. Totally with Mox and some of the other girls about the exercising thing. I couldn't even click on the workout vid you provided. I'm not really into horror movies.

    But I am TOTALLY into Angry Robward. It just never gets old watching that video. The one you posted is super high quality, too. Thanks!!



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