Monday, August 13, 2012

*THUD* #RobCosmopolisPremiere


Because I have no words.....

I can't help but think he looks a little sad. But I'm sure that's 
just my mind running away from me into Robsten land.

More pics HERE & I'm sure they'll be updating frequently ;)



  1. Wow. He gets more handsome each year. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow how out of the loop am I?! This is now in NYC? I was just all psyched for The Daily Show lol... I am the lamest Twi-blogger EVAH!

    (also unrelated but can i say that i crack up every time i come here because YOU have the "adult content" gateway and we don't lol...

    1. LMAO! IKR? I have thought about how you guys never did it...I'm not sure why I even bothered, it's one extra stupid step to get here.

      Oh and I had no idea the Cosmopolis premiere was today either.....ducks and runs....

      xo J


Say it...OUT LOUD!