Friday, December 3, 2010

Apparently it's Twired's Anniversary.

Yup, that's right. It's been 1 freakin' year since I typed my first post. And, can you believe it happens to fall on the day before the Eclipse DVD release?!? Woah....cue the TWILIGHT zone music ;) Ok ok, I have known it was coming, but these last few days I have had my head up my ass....working like a mad slipped my mind today. I suck.

Anyhoo, what does one do when they absentmindedly forget their bloggy anniversary? Originally I was going to chat about my plans for tomorrow night...and lack of plans tonight, and how uber jealous I am of Lisa & Mama_Cougar for getting to spend not 1, but 2 nights together! Geeeez. Ok, maybe I'll still whine about that, but I'll save it till later...

With that said I'm not going to bore you with my old posts. If you want to read them, feel free to peruse my archives. For now, I'm just going to post a shi*t-load of memorable pics :)

ES (aka lil' Sista') and I at our 1st 100 Monkeys Concert at the Viper Room LA back in Nov of 09'.

The next day we lined up at the LA New Moon Premiere!

We didn't get wristbands, but not a bad spot for day

Nikki Reed! We also saw Jackson AGAIN, as well as Jamie C. Bower, Kiowa Gordon, PFach, Alex Meraz etc...

Rob did not roll down his window, but he did get 15 feet away. I about died. Hence the dazed look on my face.

Our Pre New Moon Theatre release par-tay! Gotta love Robward on a stick ;)

In my home-made PJ's w/ Robward.

Hale YES!

2nd 100 Monkeys Concert...meeting Mr. MOS himself ;)

3rd 100 Monkeys Concert!
Oh, hai Jackson, fancy meeting you here ;)

Look who was a good sport & made an appearance at my dirty 30th in Feb!

Don't worry, I made sure to thank him.

Official Twilight Saga Eclipse Convention in LA w/ ALL of them, plus the Twifecta!
June 10'

Twilight/New Moon under the stars event...also in Convention & LA Premiere (which Sue went to) and pre Eclipse Theatre release.
@Twilove_sue1, ES, Me, @LuvsMeSumEdward!

Faci, Facinelli!

Our 5th 100 Monkeys Show (?)

Our 6th (?) 100 Monkeys show....I had pics, but they just deleted themselves from this post. I'm too pissed to go reload and reposition. They're on my facebook page fyi ;)

Randomly eating breakfast next to David Slade in LA post 100 Monkeys Show. I shit you not.

CC, Mrs. P, JJ, STY, Sue, Me, Lisa!!! Love these girl for realz.

DD, TC, Lisa, HG, MB, Mrs. P, Me, Sue!
Miss you and love you all. So blessed to have met you.

One of my bloggy besties...Lisa ;)

Another bb Mrs. P ;)

Sue & I on Bella's truck!

LKW loved me and my driftwood sucking ways.
That is all.

LKW rocks. Edward is not so sure.



Hope you enjoyed my little photo collection. Looking back to the NM DVD release, I just curled up on the couch with Sista' last March...we didn't do anything out of the ordinary. It seems we like to party the night before the movie releases, and curl up cozy when they come out on DVD. Truth be told I would have loved to have shared this with my CA girls @amandamelby, @Jaymes805 or @charlahicks Boo :( I also would have loved to plan a surprise trip to IL to meet up with MC & Lisa...word on the street is MC's parties are EPIC. There really are so many of you'd I'd love to share this with.....but, we always have FOOOOOOORKS ;)

So, the plan for manana: I'm getting up mid morning and heading to Target to snag a copy of Eclipse! Tomorrow evening I'm heading over to my parents to watch it with my Sis, Mom & Dad. Surprisingly, my Dad is super excited, as he hasn't seen it yet. Sue invited me up to watch it Sunday night (I think)...but I have to go into work early on Monday morning...My boss is going out of town for a week and I will have a sh*tload to do to prepare.

I really hope us California Girls can meet up sooner rather than later.

Cheers to Eclipse Saturday! And cheers to all of you that have followed me this last year. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. Each and everyone of you chicks are ridiculously cool. I love you.
Thank you from the bottom of my Robsten loving heart.

PS Stay tuned to hear about some kick ass mail I just received!



  1. Hi Jen,

    Great post! Being a relative newcomer, I hadn't seen some of your early shots. I had no idea you've seen the Precious in the flesh! Now I really can't wait to meet you, so that I've met him by association... nah, wait, that's not the only reason, I promise...

    Thank you so much for your encouragement, laughter, support and advice you've given me since I started in this kerrazy little world we're living in. I am having so much fun, and it's all thanks to the wonderful twifriends we have here.

    I am so excited about coming out to the US and still have my fingers MASSIVELY crossed that #Forks2011 can happen while I'm there. Just looking at your pics with the gang, I can't wait to have my own collection of memories too.

    Big massive kiwi hugs xxxxx

  2. p.s. "Driftwood sucking", eh? Is that what they're calling it these days?

  3. Happy Twired Anniversary! What a Twi-eFFing-light great year it has been for you guys! Thank you for sharing all your Twi-ventures with us! Enjoy Eclipse!

    So if you had to choose which of these was your favorite moment. Would it be Jackson with his arm around you or seeing Robsten in the flesh with your Robsten-lovin' eyes and heart? Or a different moment?

  4. love, love, LOVE the photos esp. the 1st one with your sister

    happy annivers-day

    i watched eclipse on wednesday, minutes after it arrived (got it on the 1st dec in NZ)

    enjoy your viewing - how could you not?

  5. Happy Anniversary!!!! Amazing when you see how much has happened after you put it all in a post. It's been such a crazy journey. Love you and miss you!!!

  6. Wow...looks like you've had a BLAST!!!! I don't know what I'd do if I saw or met the lovely RPattz...I'd die for sure =)

    Hmm...I also live in Cali...So. Cal to be exact! I'd love to hang out w/ you girls for upcoming Twilight/the Precious events! My sis/twifriend lives out of state =(

    Oh & Happy Anniversary!!

  7. TT- Seeing Robsten in the flesh ;) Those Jackson touching me comes in pretty close!

    MrsP-Thank you!

    Vanessa- Where in So Cal?

  8. Oh, Jen, I'm seriously all choked up right now. You know I miss you hard and love you even harder. Congratulations on your blogversary. This journey would not have been the same without you.

    I can't wait until I come to California to see you and Sue.



  9. Happy Anniversary Twired! Thanks for sharing memories of the last year. All the pics were wonderful...especially the ones of JRath! Keep up the most excellent work, cause Twired makes me :)! xo

  10. Happy 1st Anniversary!! Loved your pics - thanks for sharing. :)

  11. congrats and happy anniversary!! loved the look back pictures.

  12. Happy Blogiversry Jen! I've enjoyed following your amazing adventures this past and just loved the photo recap! The pics of you and your sis with Jackson are so amazing!!! Here's to another year of lovin' Twilght! Mwah!

  13. Happy Anniversary! I loved the pictures.

  14. Awwwwh Jen!!!!!! I want to visit you BADLY! You were missed this weekend.

    As you know, you are the FIRST blog I stumbled upon and I was HOOKED. I never commented for the longest time because I was so afraid I was going to spell something wrong or look like a complete douche. (we all now know I cannot spell) ;)

    Thank you SO MUCH for your amazing posts. I LOVE YOU and look forward to seeing you VERY soon! MWAH!

  15. Congrats for making it a year! Hopefully you don't become a total slacker like me.

  16. Awwww thanks for the shout out! Wish you could have been with us this weekend!!! But we definitely MUST all get together sometime in the near future and hang out.

    And CONGRATS on your blogiversary! So exciting :)

  17. @Demanda & @Jaymes805- Luv you girls, thank you for your continued love. Not sure why you stick around, but I love ya for it! ;)

    Mox- You're not a slacker. Plus, if it stops being fun, there's no point. xo.

    Everyone else- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STOPPING BY're what keeps me going!

    xo J

  18. Happy Anniversary Twired! Wow has it been that long. I love the blog, it is my fave to visit to chat ... and to check out all of your lovely pics! I just went to a mini local Twi get together over the weekend which was awesome but would LOVE to go to Forks 2011...lottery...rob bank...donate vital organ..we'll see!

  19. Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary. It has been quite the year, hasn't it. I loved looking back at the pictures and remembering all the posts and tweets. It was amazing to meet you in Forks and I hope we can do it all again soon :) Hugs!!


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