Saturday - December 3rd, 2011...
...was our 2 year bloggiversary!!!
"Oh my!"
I know, I can hardly believe it myself....
I'm tempted to say that time flies, but really it seems like ages since I posted my first Twi-thoughts. I was inspired to share those thoughts with others thanks to blogs like Twitarded, Ramblings [or was it Confessions?] of a LatchkeyWife, TCA, Twibite & 17 forever....and I continued to share because of them, and of course, because of you.
The last 2+ years have been an incredible ride (she said that)...I look back and feel so fortunate to have been able to share my passion for this fandom with so many H00RS phenomenal, strong, witty, intelligent, loving & absolutely hilarious women. Many of us have opened up & let each other into our personal lives on a daily basis, whether it be via twitter, email, chat, text, guys have definitely been there for me when I have needed anything from words of encouragement, to a PMSL session. I might be biased, but I think we have the best fandom in existence.
Our mascot isn't half bad either...
Do you realize we have Twitarded friends almost EVERYWHERE? America, Europe, New Zealand, Australia.... etc....Seriously, I bet I could travel to almost anywhere in the world & be in somewhat close proximity to another Twitard. How fabulous is that?
I have met quite a few of you in RL...of course we have JJ, STY & LKW to thank for that. They turned a crazy fleeting thought into reality. FORKS 2010 was the trip of a life time. However, there are still many of you I'd love to meet. That said, I thought it would be fun to ask some of you to email me a little bit about yourself, such as where you are from, what this fandom means to you, who you have met in RL & possibly a picture...I apologize in advanced for any formatting issue. Naturally I copied & pasted most of this from my gmail account. I'm definitely missing some peeps, and that is mainly my fault for not using my address book & thinking I had everyone. I left out peeps I talk to everyday!?! I suck. Anyways, you can still email me because I am posting a part 2 for sure!
***You do not have to send me a real pic of you, nor does it have to be a pic you have taken with me.
LatchkeyWife aka Stacy w/ TwiredJen
Twikiwi50 aka Amy w/ TwiredJen & ElusiveS
"Hi my name is Amy / TwiKiwi50 and I'm a twitard. Wait... you knew that? I am 31 years old and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. My bestest friend in the world is @SparklyJul, and we fell down the Twilight rabbit hole together.
Five quick points: I am an only child; I am a registered nurse working at a cancer charity; I love to read (mostly fic - my iPad is the greatest thing ever); I am a dog person AND a cat person, it is possible; I have a big mouth and can't keep a secret to save myself.I love this community HARD. I can't really remember how I came to be here - it's all a little vague - but I remember that @TwiredJen and @17foreverLisa were two of my first twitter friends. The 'Fifty' in my name is inspired by... guess.... the Master of my Universe, Fifty Shades himself. I have a little blog where I ramble on from time to time, feel free to visit! I wa
s so fortunate in August this year to meet so many of my online friends for real during a trip up the West Coast of the USA. I consider you all to be some of my best friends in this world. From attending Jen's bridal shower to drinking in Napa, touching Jackson Rathbone (OMFG!) and visiting Forks, this was the best holiday ever. And I've travelled a lot in my life! Being in Forks inspired me to 'come out' to everyone in my RL and now I am a happy twitard with no shame :-) I can't wait to see some of you (hopefully) in Hawaii in two years time, check out this blog for more info... One of my favourite things is to introduce new people to our group and support them to get to know others, I love being an enabler, and paying it forward as others have for me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIRED! Thanks so much for the laughs, Robsten lurve and 100 Monkeys inspiration. ILY xxx"
MusingBella aka Erin
"MusingBella here - a.k.a. Erin - I live in Portland, Oregon and love it most of the time. We're headed into the gray days of winter (which last, like, 6 months), and that can be hard, but the scenery is so beautiful (as many of you saw, if you trekked to Forks), it's hard to stay depressed about the rain for long. Plus, almost all of the original Twilight movie sets are super easy to access here, and that's totally fun. I found this community through Twitarded, obviously, but now - two years after I did - I consider some of you among my very best friends, and I don't know what I would have done without this community during my recent separation and divorce. I depended on the support I received here, and seeing so many of you again this year in Forks was so fucking therapeutic, I just can't even begin to tell you what you mean to me. I intend the friendships I've created here with you all to be lifelong, and I look forward to the next time we'll see each other - no matter where that might be. If you're coming to Portland, let me know!?"
'Hi, my name is ChloeCougar and I'm obsessed with Twilight. Actually, let me rephrase: I'm obsessed with Edward Cullen. Nope, that's not even good enough. I'm obsessed with Robert Pattinson. Yep, that's more like it :-)
Obviously, my name isn't really ChloeCougar. I mean, that would be just awesome, right? Or awkward. Yes, I'm thinking 'awkward' is the more appropriate adjective in this case... But, you know what? I don't really care. I thought my moniker up in a hurry and never really contemplated just how far-reaching it would be. And believe me, it is. My Twitter, Blog and Gmail accounts are all tied up in it. I regularly sign emails off with 'CC xx' (thank God I haven't yet done so at work!). Some people I've met in real life have a hard time addressing me as anything other than 'Chloe' or 'CC'. Go figure.I live in a beautiful little village in Surrey, UK, just 25 miles from the centre of London. I moved here from West London eight years ago, and don't miss the city one bit. That's probably because I'm somewhat long in the tooth. I have two dahling teenage sons (said with gritted teeth) and a wonderfully understanding (see oblivious) husband, all of whom deal with my obsession incredibly well. Because they don't know the half of it.The women I've met through this awesome fandom have been my saviours. And I say this with complete conviction. I was seriously at risk of disappearing into middle-aged fug when I stumbled upon Twilight-related blogs. To say they were a lifesaver would be the grossest of understatements. I am forever grateful to have found a group of like-minded women, even though my regular contact with them is limited to the Interwebz. I honestly don't know how I survived without some of them BT (before Twilight, in case you're wondering).This year I've been fortunate enough to meet a whole raft of these women, and I'm beyond happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone and attended #Forks2011, as it meant that I could finally put faces (and bodies!) to so many of the names in my Twitter timeline and from the Twitarded blog. Obviously, there were some notable omissions - you being one of them (I mean, what was that all about? Organising your wedding to coincide with the most amazing get-together in Forks?), and TwiKiwi50 being the other (she totally miscalculated her leave IMHO...). But I live in the hope that we might rectify that some day. I'm up for it - are you? I've also been fortunate enough to meet a handful of UK Twi-peeps this year - when I attended the Graham Norton Show in May for the Water for Elephants promo and, more recently, for a Twiathon and the midnight release of Breaking Dawn: Part 1. Next year is going to be even bigger! :-) I am, and will always remain, forever thankful for this amazing fandom and what it has done for me. Not only do I get to interact with a bunch of wonderful, caring, loving women, I also get to perv over new pictures of The Boy pretty much every day! And that is enough to make me feel alive ;-)"
Mandysmind aka Mandy
Hi, I'm Mandy and I'm a Twi-aholic..... *awaits off pitch voices to
respond "Hi Mandy"*Previously "Malicious Mandy" I dropped the "malicious" after people kept insisting I wasn't (mwahahah ya right!) You can find me ontwitter as @mandysmind or on my blog I loved the Twilight books from early on, but what catapulted me in to this fandom was when New Moon came to Vancouver to film; Jacob's houseis literally down the street from my house, and from there I became emerged in the fandom as a 'set soldier' doing reports and photos of filming to share with fans around the world. Through that I experienced some awesome adventures and met the most amazing friends. Besides meeting everyone at Twitarded Forks 2010 and 2011, I have met dozens more at Twilight Conventions in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland,and LA (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part 1) as well as the WFE Premierein NYC and my most recent excursion to LA & NYC for Breaking DawnRelease. This week I am headed to Orlando FL for the TwilightConvention and to see more amazing Twilight friends. Additionally, many have come to Vancouver to see where the movies were filmed and I have enjoyed set-seeking, cocktails, laughs, more cocktails and fantastic times with them all! This fandom has given me support, friendship and an opportunity to travel and see the world through my Twilight eyes.... I am so thankful and blessed! I just adore you all to pieces and await our next adventure.....
MyAfterCarIsAnXKR aka Jessica
"This fandom has changed my life. I'm still working on figuring out who I am, and you guys have given me great examples of brave, bold, confident women. I started reading Twitarded in March of 2009 after devouring the books a few months earlier, joined Twitter in August of 2010, went to Forks for the first time in September of 2010, and returned to the motherland again this past September. I'm desperately hoping that our trips will become an annual thing (I don't care where we go) because I need, need, need to see you guys at least once a year. I've met most of you IRL and I freaking love y'all! "
MrsKassieCullen aka Kassie
I have met many bloggy and Twitter friends in RL. A majority of them I met when I went to New York for the WFE premiere. The first two bloggy people I met in RL besides my bloggy bff UtterlyAbsurd Bella, were MamaCougar and 17foreverLisa. The list just gets longer from there... Robzsinger, BellaTesoro, HisBella Marie, DoubleDippin, DangrDafne, LwE, STY, LKW, JJ, MikiMartini, RPattzgirl, Steph, Tink, even brought Lauren and Jen from meeting on the street at 4 am waiting for wristbands for WFE into blogging and many many other people that I'm sure I've forgotten to mention. Even with this list I would still love to meet more bloggers and Twitter friends!
This fandom means a lot to me. I don't know where I'd be without the support of all these wonderful girls. I know I wouldn't have met half of them without the encouragement from Marie, Fran and Lisa. I've loved to not only do Twilighty things with them but had many more fun times that have included baseball games, Rob movies, 100 Monkeys concerts, and *cough*toy*cough* parties. I love sharing my Twilight and non-Twilight life experiences with the best group of women that I am happy to call my friends!
"Hi I’m Chylynn. In the Twitterworld, I started off as @monkeygirl1969 and after my real-life friends started calling me Twi-lin I switched to @twi_lin on twitter.
I live in a small town in Western Washington about 45 miles south of Seattle and 3.5 hours away from Forks. I love living here! I know we get a bad rep about our rain but it really isn’t that bad….shhhhh…we don’t really want that secret out. The weather is mild, not too cold in the winter and not too hot in the summer. I personally think I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I have saltwater and mountains in my backyard!
I’m so excited to be a part of this Twilight Fandom! The last 2.5 years has been such an amazing experience. I can’t believe how a book saga and movies have brought so many people together.
I have personally grown a lot! Getting out of my comfort zone and meeting two people. I’m thankful that the gals at Twitarded decided to do their Pilgrimage to Forks in 2010. I was a bit involved in the Twilight Fanfiction fandom prior to going to Forks but it wasn’t until right before going to Forks 2010 and starting to tweet with some of the gals that I felt a part of something bigger. It amazes me at times that such great friendships can start through Twitter. I feel very blessed to have friendships with my Twi-Sisters.
I really don’t pay too much attention to the drama in the Twifandom. I may want some juicy gossip but the mean drama is not for me. I know in the fanfiction fandom there can be some mean stuff that goes on and I really don’t understand it. If you don’t like what someone has written don’t read it. People don’t have to be mean and spread hate. Ok…enough about that.
Since going to Forks I have met so many people! Too many to name but I have on occasion had a chance to visit with some of my Twitard-Sisters on a smaller scale:
Last December my friend Lesa aka @tipsy_daisy, went down to Charla aka @alltwiedup’s house for the Eclipse DVD release. Jaime aka @jaymes805, Amanda aka @amandamelby, and Rena aka @renabug1 went too! We had a serious fun girls weekend with some of @alltwiedup’s sister and friends and her dear hubby, Tom aka @theppmonster. I love those gals like crazy! You can read about our weekend here. - http://dirtyhotandnerdy. eclipse-weekend.html?zx= dd47bc50a774c22b
Back in January, I met up with Sharon aka @kitty_elvis, Cindy aka @Vitaminr70 and others for dinner and then a show to see Bobby Long! What a fun evening that was! Bobby Long has a great voice. I love his music. – check him out! fr_home
Last March, I had another epic adventure going up to Vancouver, BC to see 100 Monkeys! Lesa and I roomed with Deb aka @red_bella. We had such an amazing time! We got to see three 100 Monkey performances and meet the band! We met up with Melinda aka @kintail, Jenny aka @TwilightCupcake and many others. Since Breaking Dawn was filming we got to tour sets. I had so much fun! – Click the link for more details about the trip:http://monkeygirl1969. wolves-swans-monkeys-and.html
August was a great month for meeting up with more Twitard Sisters! My dear sweet friend Amy aka @twikiwi50 had her own epic adventure of coming to States from New Zealand. I got to be a part of her trip! First we went to dinner in Seattle with Amy, Deb, Lesa, and Sharon next door to the famous ESCALA (Fifty lives there). Melinda joined up with us the next day and Amy won a meet and greet with 100 Monkeys and we got to go too! I met Amy again for dinner before she left with Lesa, my hubby, Erin aka @musingbella and Amy aka @StarlitViolets. Here is my blog post about that week: http://monkeygirl1969. twi-lin-and-i-love-100- monkeys.html
September was Forks again! I can’t believe I never wrote a blog post about this trip but once again it was so much fun being together with the Twitards! I love this group of women! My hubby and I also got to spent an evening with at dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in Seattle with Neets aka @cholecougar, Lori aka @LoriAnnTwiFan before Neets wen’t back to England and Lori went back to Georgia after the Forks Trip.
I thought my epic adventures would be over for the year but a last minute decision I decided to go to LA in November to attend the Twilight Convention so I could see Rob and Kristen in person. I got to spend some great quality time with my roommates – YOU and Michelle aka @allthingsHHH! I am so grateful of the time we got to spend together! I also loved going out to dinner and spending time with Lisa aka @17foreverlisa and Mandy aka @mandysmind and dear sweet Sharon aka @dangrdafne! Here’s my post about my weekend:http://monkeygirl1969. week-i-went-on-epic-journeyat. html
Like I have mentioned before I love our sisterhood of Twitardia! You ladies have brought me joy and friendship that I value so much!"
RottyMama aka Christine
"My post name is Rottymama, because at the time I found the crazy Twi-land, I had 3 Rottweiler’s. Now we have only one. My RL name is Christine. I lived in S. Cali (Venice, Marina del Rey, Santa Monica)areas before moving to Idaho. Besides the food, I do miss being where the “show biz” events are happening—not the 405! I have been to Forks twice, 2010/2011 and have met a small **************
AllTwiedUp aka Charla
"My name is Charla, or, as my picture says, you may know me as @AllTwiedUp. I live in the East Bay Area of California, but was born and raised in the South Bay. I had an eight year hiatus in Hawaii, but after finding my husband and finish nursing school, I'm back! My husband is in the Air Force but we are hoping to stay here as long as we can.
This may sound cheesy and lame but I honestly feel that through this community, the online Twilight/Twitarded community, that I have found my long-lost sisters. I have told you gals more about myself than I've told RL friends and received nothing but unconditional love without an ounce of judgement. Considering the circumstances of my, ahem, lifestyle, that means the world to me. I've even met more than a few kindred spirits on their own adventure. I feel that you ladies ARE my RL and when work and "RL" gets in the way of my blog/twitter/communication
I've had the wonderful opportunity to go to both FOOOOORKS 2010 and 2011. 2010 I brought my mom and 2011 I brought my husband. Both times were absolutely amazing and I had the time of my life seeing the faces of so many women I've grown to love. I'm getting nostalgic just thinking about it. I could write a treatise with all of the wonderful stories I have about so many of you. However, I've been drinking and I really don't want to start balling in front of my laptop monitor. I love you h00rs and I wish we all lived in the same city so that getting together could be so much easier. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you've given me! "
"Jen! All this info you want from me!?!?!? I had to fill out less information about myself to get a mortgage! How about I skip to what this fandom means to me?
What I came in search of in the fandom was more discussion about 'Twilight' (and Rob), I kind of poked around just wanting to see what other people were saying. What I found I can't even begin to describe. I found other people who loved the love story the way I did yet were able to laugh about their newfound 'crush' to the same extent I did. And from there everything snowballed! The best part of this fandom is how multifaceted it is. The fandom has given me exposure to so much beyond just Twilight, and I'm a fan of all of it--Rob, the books, the movies, Rob, all of the actors involved in Twilight, the Brit Pack's music, 100 Monkeys, Rob, fanfiction (holy shit I love fanfiction!), Jackson, the graphic novels, picspam, Rob, Twilight and Rob-inspired videos, blogs, and especially everyone I have come to know in the fandom, my friends. :)
And because it was Jen that inspired me to first see 100 Monkeys I thought this was a fitting picture to include!
Happy Blog Anniversary Twired!! Keep on rockin' your Robsten-lovin' heart out here!!!"
"To me, the Twilight fandom is a magical land where forever friendships are forged. It's a place full of love and laughter where real life details don't matter, The Precious always rules, and lemons abound. It's my happy place. I can't imagine finding a group of women anywhere else with more heart or wickedly fabulous senses of humor than all of you. I couldn't even begin to list all of names of people who I've met in person and online that have touched my heart, but I've loved every minute of the time we've spent together emailing, tweeting, texting, commenting on each other's blogs, watching movies,
TwiloveSue XOXO"
Dangrdafne aka Sharon
"I have met many of you in RL, including you, Jen. So that I don't
leave anyone out I will not list who I have met. To get an idea of who
I could have met I did go to Forks both times, then this year I also
went to Comic Con, to the TwiTour in Baltimore and in LA and to the LA
premiere. I also went to California to meet TwiKiwi50 from New Zealand
when she visited the US!! Basically out of the 6 times I travelled
across the country this year, 5 were for Twilight activites!!
Actually I do have one special shout out to my little sister and
travel buddy, Living with Edward. You are an incredible friend and I
am so happy that our area codes for our phone numbers changed all
those years ago so I could meet you ;) I love you
I am not sure I can put into words what this fandom means to me. In
fact if I try and am pretty sure I will cry. *sniff* I would say that
I am who I am supposed to be because of this fandom and all the
amazing people I have met here. I have friendships that I could never
have imagined AND they are with people all over the world. I never in
my wildest dreams would have seen this in my life but I will be
forever grateful that it happened.
Thank you to a woman who had a dream and decided to write about it -
Stephenie Meyer. Thank you to two women who read the writings and
decided to blog about it - Snarkier Than You and JennyJerkface of
Twitarded. Thank you to everyone who I have ever talked to whether in
real life, on the phone, on a blog or on Twitter you have all changed
my life for the better. Thank you to a wonderful friend who put all
this together for us - SoTwiredJen. I love you all and truly thank you
for everything you have all brought to my life."
Twilight Cupcake aka Jenny
"From where: rainy Vancouver - about 4 blocks from where they filmed the New Moon breakup scene.
How I joined the Twitards: LMAO at something JJ said about a penis on a phone (classic post I had tears in my eyes from laughing and was hooked onto their blog.
Dangrdafne was the first one to connect with me via the comments by sharing her Tuscany photos with me. After starting my little blog Twilight, Travel, and Treats, 17foreverlisa was the first person to welcome me. Eventually I became good twitter friends with Jen :) and Mrs. P. I also found my kindred spirit Suzie aka Honolulu Girl who became my roommate in Forks.


It was lovely to connect up in real life with Lorabell from Confessions of a TwiCrack Addict while she was living in Vancouver and to meet up with Deb, Mandy, and Twi-Lin for the 100 Monkeys concert. In fact, Deb and I both had brunch with Peter Facinelli while at TwiTour Vancouver. Yummy (him, not the brunch!) Finally, in TwiTour LA recently I got to give quick hugs to a bunch of the girls above plus sit with Dangrdafne gawking at the crazies paying $2000 for an autographed Robsten picture (so jealous of course).
By the way, a few months into blogging I started up a little thing to help put all my iPhone/mobile techie info. The little thing has grown. I realize now with my Twi-Mobile badge on over 75 sites including Twilight Lexicon that I've been busy but having fun connecting with everyone.
I'm so incredibly lucky to have met all these lovely women in the past two years. Nothing like meeting fellow Twitards to make you feel less crazy!
Thank you all for your loving support and never ending words of encouragement. It's amazing how sometimes the people who really "get" you are not actually in your physical world and it's okay. Thank god for the Internet to connect us all together. Happy 2nd Anniversary Twired! Jen, you've converted me into a Jackson fan :)"
"Happy Anniversary Twired Jen & Elusive S
Here goes nothing… I’m Chef Jayla from the mid-Atlantic region and I found this fandom what seems like a lifetime ago now – but it’s become a fabulous guilty pleasure wrapped around a marvelous group online friends now real life friends. If there is a 12 step program, I don’t want any part of it; it’s bad enough I’ll be going through withdrawal after Nov 2013. After all, where else can I go and have someone understand my obsession and my addiction to fan fiction -particularly slash? (Side note: Never in a million years did I think I would ever enjoy reading slash… now I can’t get enough of it thanks to brilliant authors like Conversed Cullen, Oh Jasper My Jasper, and Owenic just to name a few.)
Anywho, over a year ago I started volunteering at Creation Twilight conventions and met hordes of dedicated fans from every walk of life. Thankfully I have had the extreme pleasure of meeting the pillars of this community and they have only reinforced how much I adore our fandom. Nothing could make me happier than spending a weekend with like-minded friends all over this country (heck, world!). I will be forever grateful for each and every one of you who have become my friends. I look forward to many, many more extraordinary adventures with my Twitards. "
Chef Jayla
ChefJayla, 17foreverlisa, Dangrdafne, TwiredJen
"Happy Anniversary Twired Jen & Elusive S
Here goes nothing… I’m Chef Jayla from the mid-Atlantic region and I found this fandom what seems like a lifetime ago now – but it’s become a fabulous guilty pleasure wrapped around a marvelous group online friends now real life friends. If there is a 12 step program, I don’t want any part of it; it’s bad enough I’ll be going through withdrawal after Nov 2013. After all, where else can I go and have someone understand my obsession and my addiction to fan fiction -particularly slash? (Side note: Never in a million years did I think I would ever enjoy reading slash… now I can’t get enough of it thanks to brilliant authors like Conversed Cullen, Oh Jasper My Jasper, and Owenic just to name a few.)
Anywho, over a year ago I started volunteering at Creation Twilight conventions and met hordes of dedicated fans from every walk of life. Thankfully I have had the extreme pleasure of meeting the pillars of this community and they have only reinforced how much I adore our fandom. Nothing could make me happier than spending a weekend with like-minded friends all over this country (heck, world!). I will be forever grateful for each and every one of you who have become my friends. I look forward to many, many more extraordinary adventures with my Twitards. " be continued!
OMG YOU GUISE... Tears. I love you all so much and I'm so grateful to have you all in my life. Srsly.... Now where's part two Jen? There must be more h00rs playing this game.... ILYASFM xxx
ReplyDeleteHappy 2 year Bloggy Twiversary!!
ReplyDeleteI seriously love this post. This is by far the best fandom. People can say what they want about those 'crazy Twihards' (or whatever they want to call us) but we all know this is the best bunch of lovely, sweet, caring, generous... insert your own word here... group of women I am honored to know.
Thank you so much Jen for putting this together and I can't wait for part 2 :)
This was great idea!
ReplyDeleteAwaiting part II!
This is awesome - I can't wait for the rest... so awesome to read about each person... I am so happy to have met so many of the awesome an d beautiful and amazing women in this blog post --- I just so glad to have y'all in my life, even though I get busy and seem awol, I know we all have a connection that will last.... <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to be a part of this crazy, wonderful, caring, sharing, group of fantastic women. I honestly don't know where I'd be without you gorgeous h00rs!
Looking forward to the next post!
CC xx
Has it been 2 years already? I'm so glad you're still blogging!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Can't wait for part deux.
ReplyDeleteI finally made it over here to read this!! As you all (mostly) know, my Dad had triple bypass surgery two days before this post went up - I've been a little busy. But, true to form, you were all there for me via text and twitter while we waited for Dad's (successful) surgery and now into his recovery. I flove you all more than you know.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Jen, and great idea!!