Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From Hot Families to Hot Men!

Look who spent part of their Holiday in the most "magical place on earth" ...
COUGH* Robs crotch* COUGH ...




Aww look it's the Facinelli Fam!
How freakin' adorable are they?!

Papa Facinelli is in FULL ON PAPA CULLEN mode!

And look who else I found...

Mr. Rathbone at a recent concert.

Holly hell, he's rockin' the Jaspah' look...

IF Jas looks like this in BD, I'm ALL OVER IT!


Those dimples kill me.

Guess who else I found...

I saw this lovely morsel early this morning, only to also find it in my inbox courtesy of Ms. Lisa :)

Oh. My. Gawd.

I'm going to go recover now....too much hotness!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Boxing Day, Why Not?!

I may be totally late to the party on this one....and I have no clue where this is from or if it's legit. ALL I do know is that Rob looooooks smokin' hawt. There is something about a man in white T....with arms like that. Not too muscular, but just muscular enough.


On another note, I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas. I sure did! I had to make myself puke last night though because as I crawled onto the aero bed at my parents, the room was spinning. Nothing like a little finger down the throat to solve that problem ;)

Maybe drinking a shit ton of wine and then deciding to pour eggnog in my Dissarono might not have been the most well thought out plan. *gag*

Oddly enough I wasn't hungover in the normal sense this morning...no headache. BUT I did feel slightly nauseous. Not to worry, I'm sucking down a large and rather spicy Bloody Mary as we speak....and about to watch the Chargers game with my Dad and s/o...errrr fiance'...gahhh I hate that word.

Love you all!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cheers To You....

Monroe "Jackson" Rathbone!

Why so mad Jax?

OK, I realize Elusive S & I are a little late in wishing you a Happy 26th Birthday! We're sorry...it's the holiday season & time got away from us. It's not that we weren't aware that it was your special day. Trust us when we say we thought about you...in great detail ;)

Plus, how could we stand up to some of the other sweet tributes to you, such as 17foreverlisa , Mrs. Ping & those crazy, but oh so lovely chicks at borderlinephenomenal!?! Anyhoo, we love you Jackson. You have always been gracious to your fans and caused us many a' orgasmic-like groans of pleasure at your concerts.

"Cheers to you Mr. Rathbone!"

psssst..this pic was taken in a hotel room in Santa Monica after our first 100 Monkeys Show, the night before the New Moon premiere!

Hmm, feeling happier are we?

yeah...2 chicks in a bathtub will do that to ya ;)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twi Mash Up

Hi friends! I happened upon this pretty sweet Twilight mash-up video today. The creator did an awesome job, and as always, it makes me want to have a Twi-athon! I have still yet to do that, watch all 3 back to back. Hmmm, might have to do that on X-Mas eve...as I'm off!

That's all I've got folks :)

P.S. An extra special thank you to everyone who wished me congrats! You all mean the world to me and make me smile every single day.


Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Racing Bella To The Alter!

It was just like Edward's proposal to Bella in Eclipse...

...except we were at the beach, and I don't have a nasty scar that looks similar to a pearl necklace ;)....and my ring is much prettier...just sayin'.

....and I hate to break it to you, but we have already had sex. Oh, and I wasn't trying to rip off his shirt pre-proposal.... nor was I wearing plaid.

....and we were at the beach at sunset, not sitting on a gold bed...and we didn't embrace like this, people were whistleing though.

...and we didn't stand in a meadow later in the day...we went to my parents to celebrate.

But otherwise, it was just like this!

I kid.



We are seriously thinking about October, so I guess I'm beating Bella (as far as when she gets married on screen)

Btw, does this make me a total fail...when does Bella get married? A month before her Birthday right? August 13th???
Anyhoo, here is a pic I took right before. I call it pre-proposal sky. The quality isn't great, as it's from my blackberry.

Um..and I don't know why these words won't get any smaller. Gaah, Blogger sometimes I hate you.

Ocean Beach, CA 12-18-10

PS Thank you for all the Congrats! I love you all more than you know!


Friday, December 17, 2010

Let's Revisit The Past, Shall We?

December 27th of last year, I wrote a post about my wishes for 2010. I thought it might be fun to revisit those wishes and see what came true..what didn't..and what was just plane silly. This years writing is in RED....as is quite obvious ;)

5 Wishes for 2010

2010 <~~~~~~the year i turn 30! (GASP!) Now I'm on my way to 31, geez time flies when you're having fun in Twiland.
Back to my wishes: <~~~~See, I even got side tracked a year ago.

1. My memory of reading the Twilight Saga to be erased for 1 week, solely for the purpose of re-reading the 4 books for the 1st time. Then I'd like it back please. My Twi-memory that is...
This hasn't happened, but I still dig the idea.

2. Robert Pattinson. That isn't really too much to ask. I don't mean forever, just for a night...you know...he has Stephanie Ritz pick me up and take me to meet him at the Chateau Marmont for drinks, we then head out to some laid back pub in LA...paparazzi in tow of course. "Who the hell is that blonde midget with RPattz?" We have several more drinks of course. We sit close, listen to a live band play, bond over a plethora of "things", gaze seductively into each each others eyes...Then eventually we make our way back to the hotel, paprazzi in tow, and go up to his room. We sit out on the balcony while he smokes and recites lines from Twilight...then we soak in a bubble bath...dot dot dot...
This hasn't happened either.....boo. BUT being a Robsten fan, it's hard to really want it to happen. I like THEM together. IF he was single, then I'd say HELL YEAH!

3. More Robsten proof...ok ok I know this completely conflicts with my #2, but hey, it's my blog. I want real proof, like another hand holding pic, or a kiss or an admission...something!
Well as we all know...this wish came true!

4. Summit announces that they will in fact be filming Breaking Dawn.
Gaaah I can't believe we didn't know then. It's happening, it's happening!

Just stumbled across this at twifans tonight. LOVE IT.

Yeah...LOVE this too ;)

5. Jackson Rathbone falls deeply and madly in love with Sarah (ES)...then I could have a great brother in-law...wait a twi-minute...not such a good idea for me. I wouldn't want to ruin the close relationship I have with my beloved Sister by cheating on her with JRath...esp when RPattz is off with KStew. Geez. Well, guess I'm screwed...they got married.


I couldn't let her have all the fun.....I need to be able to oogle the Rathgasm as much as humanly possibly without guilt.


Stay tuned for my 5 Wishes for 2011!

What are your 5 Wishes for 2011..Twi-related or not...?


Thursday, December 16, 2010

S for SMOLDERING & Sentimental Family Stuff.

MTV New has gifted us with a little schmexy mash-up of Rob's trailers. I'm not a huge fan of the song they used, but to each her own. Enjoy.

In other news...in case you have been living under a rock, Rob's upcoming movie Water for Elephants released a trailer...sooner than I'd expected! (hello...we still haven't seen a Bel Ami trailer people!)

Click here to see the WFE trailer in HQ. If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it. I'll admit that initially I read the book because I knew Rob was going to play Jacob in the movie adaptation...however I ended up loving it. It truly makes you laugh, cry, cringe and fall in love with the characters. I'm also an enormous fan of Reese Witherspoon, so knowing she was going to portray Marlena made me even more excited.

Cannot wait to see it! The trailer gave me chills.

On an entirely different note: Tonight, I found myself sorting through an old box of "sentimental stuff" which included letters my Mom has written me throughout the years...letters of encouragement and love...there were also letters from my Papa (Grandpa, Mom's Father) about how proud he was of me, of how much he loved my Sister & I...He passed away peacefully in 2003 at the age of 84...Truthfully I'd give almost anything to sit up late with him now, as he used to love to do, and share a drink and just talk. I can see it...he'd be sipping Brandy, I'd be drinking wine...talking about anything and everything. My Papa had such a love of people...of life, art, music, theater, the ocean... I appreciated & loved him then, and I know he knew it, but I didn't show it as much as I would make a point to now.

To me, he was the most amazing man ever. Robert Litler Betts was born in London. Yes he and our "Rob" share a name ;) In his late 20's he joined the Royal Airforce during WII. He was a pilot & got shot down over Germany. Fortunately he survived, but was later captured and became a POW. Remarkably some many months later he escaped back to England, met my Grandmother and became a pretty well known and respected journalist. Eventually they moved here to America when my Mom was 6...He landed a job here in San Diego as wire editor for the Copley News Service, and later retired a happy and fulfilled man.

Here he is holding me in February of 1980.
I was only a couple of days old.
My Grandma still lives in this house here in San Diego. The views look North-West over Mission Bay.
It's my favorite place in the world.

This may sound odd, but there is something about Robert Pattinson that reminds me of my Papa. Not just that they share a name and come from the same place...but something about Rob's nose, his laugh, his smile.....

Anyways, sorry to get all sentimental...PERIOD.

Fun & entertaining posts coming this weekend...PROMISE!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Papa Cullen Makes My Lady Bits Tingle

Paging Dr. Cullen...TwiredJen's vag needs mouth to mouth!

Holy crow. Check our Mr. Facinelli's new photoshoot...it's um...


Don't hide Peter...I won't bite.

Mmm, what are you getting ready to do?
Me, hopefully.

Hot Damn.

This screams Fifty to me.

Totally looks like Christian Bale.
Me likey!




And to think this man signed my boob [ok fine, it was my clavicle, but who's counting?]

Hope you enjoyed that display of deliciousness. I sure did. Please see the "source" for details on the shoot. K. Thanks. Bye.


Miss my last post? Wouldn't be surprised if you did...as I'm a bit bloggy A.D.D this week. GO HERE! It's one of the BEST KStew fan vids I have EVER seen.



Yes, I know this is the 3rd post in 24 hours, but sometimes you just get on a roll, ya know? Anyhoo, I stumbled across this beautiful video this morning and had to share. Any Kristen Stewart fan will adore it.

Hope you liked it! I think the creator did an awesome job!

Hope everyone has a manageable Monday!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Forks Vids...FINALLY!

*YES, 2 posts in 1 night...couldn't help it!* Didn't see the 1st...it's a bit of a venting session.

I was getting frustrated, because I couldn't figure out how to get vids from my blackberry onto my laptop. Who knew they were already hiding in a file called blackberry vids! Apparently when you plug in your USB cable, it syncs automatically.

I'm not that much of an idiot, but every time I opened my desk top manager, it wanted to put stuff on my blackberry, not take it off [she said that.] Anyhoo, as I said, I guess it syncs on it's own.

This first vid is one I took from the last night of Fooooorks shenanigans during the Twitarded speeches. You might want to start w/ the volume low and adjust as you go along. You know us Twitards, we squeeeeee ;)

This was our last night *sniff* in Forks at the Twilight Lounge...JJ & STY giving speeches..I think LKW got away with not being in this vid. h00r.

The next is driving back out to Rialto Beach with Cullenary Cursor, 17foreverlisa, Twilove_sue1, truebldtwilight, cupcakegirl76 & Mrs. P!

There is another one of me driving over the hood canal bridge, but I'll spare you :) But now that I know how this whole bb video thing works...watch out! Ooooh wait....

Here's a quick vid (turn down the volume) of our last 100 Monkeys Concert at the Viper Room in LA. We weren't as close as we have been in the past, but it's still Jackson....YUM.

Vid taken back in August :)

Thanks for watching! I'm such a techno tard.


I Have A Bone To Pick.

"Iz gotta bone to pick wit u."

Ok kids, I just need to vent. AND NONSTENS, there is no need to run for safety, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. Trust.

Moving on to that bone I'd like to pick.....

Last night on twitter, a picture surfaced of Mr & Mrs. Pattinson [damnit they're freakin' adorable] posing with Robsten in the living room of what appears to be the Pattinson family home in the UK last holiday season. Of course you could hear collective squeeeeees across the Robsten loving universe...I mean what Robsten lover wouldn't get giddy?! However, it's the type of picture that almost makes you feel guilty for looking at it. It's pretty obvious that it's a private family photo that surfaced without permission [or Scummit threw it out there for cough *promotional reasons* cough.] I'll be honest when I say that I don't feel guilty for looking at it, however I decided not to post it because I do have morals...kinda. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking ANYONE who posted it. In fact I give you a HUGE high five :) I have posted plenty of pap photos etc, but something about a photo taken in a private home feels wrong. But that's just me. Did you hear me bitching about it on twitter? NO.

Look, if you don't agree with it being posted, keep that shit to yourself & don't post it. If you happen to run a forum where twi-fans can submit any kind of Robsten pictures, then be prepared for such pictures to be posted. And, if you don't agree with spreading them around the internet, then remove the pic and politely tell the person why you did so (no, I didn't send said pic to some other blog, just sayin') But to go on twitter and start bitching about how you're so disgusted that people would pass that picture around, and that you would "never" post those types of private photos...you're being a hypocrite. Why? Because you operate a website that allows people to post pics, and I'm sure they don't just post automatically. I'm pretty positive that you have to approve them...hmm, how did that private pic slip by and onto your forum? Also, whining about it like you're holier than thou on twitter just draws attention to the picture. I'm starting to think that MIGHT have been your ulterior motive.
Case & point: Get off of your soap box and PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. It's pretty easy. If you see a photo you don't want on your forum, remove it and move on. If you don't believe in posting certain pictures, be it private, paparazzi etc on your blog, DON'T. But whining on twitter about how it's so wrong, and you're so morally virtuous....well my friend, that's a joke.

Ok Nostens, time to look away :) Don't say I didn't warn you!


Friday, December 10, 2010

*New Isle Esme Vid!!!* by Biel of course!

Gaaah! Amazing. Enjoy!

Biel always blows me away. Such phenomenal talent. Have you seen her other vids? Check them out by clicking on the above youtube link. You won't be disappointed. Trust.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

If Only.

Play the music before looking at the pics.

Promise me you will!

And, SKIP to 1.06 to start ;)

Hear him?

No peeking.........

How does it make you feel?



Sing to us Rob.........

If only.

*Pics from 2008 Twilight Mall Tour.


Pssst...check out this *NEW* adorable Robsten fan vid


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Prepare Your Panties.

Yah, I borrowed these from Robsessed. Yah, they were just posted. Yah, they're old-ish pics.....

BUT HOT DAMN this man does things to me that I cannot put into coherent words. All I know is you might want to prepare your panties for such an eye-delight.

HINT: CLICK FOR BIGGER..or lick, I don't hate.

This might need to be my new wallpaper.
Damn, Coke does THIS man good.

Hello Mr. Serious Jaw Porn meets Ron Burgundy.
I think I love you.

I don't dig your WFE haircut in this pic, but if you keep biting your lip like that, I could learn to love it.

Eff me.

Ok, now that I am completely sidetracked...anyone have a ShamWow to clean up the....er....mess?



Monday, December 6, 2010

We Make Fun Of Those We Love..Right? Right?

Sometimes you just feel compelled to make fun of those you love. You know, when your brother shits his pants on a long car trip, Grandma blames the dog for that foul smell, your Dad has crumbs in his chest hair...You can't let opportunities like that pass you up....

I love Twilight...and admittedly, sometimes I make fun of it.


The other night while watching Eclipse, ES starts busting up laughing and points out that as Edward finishes his proposal to Bella, he bows...like as if she's royalty. Of course we had to rewind it just to be sure, and eff me, she was right! I was PMSL and we must have watched it 5 times in a row. See for yourself. Look for it at about 27 sec.

PS...and you know you want to watch this over and over again anyways. Even if you do own the DVD.


"I bow to thee...Bella."

Speaking of funny shit:

Stole this from @LuvsMeSumEdward

An oldie, but goodie.

Tay killz me in this skit.

Right...but Rob's shit should be Knighted.
Just sayin.

Oh, hey there Rob!
(say it with a lisp)

I thought about this long ago...when I read Twilight.

All in good fun...


That is all.


Sunday, December 5, 2010


Well hello there! How was everyone's Eclipse weekend?

Mine was pretty sweet & VERY relaxing. I didn't go to any midnight releases or parties. Aside from David Slade signing in Burbank, there weren't any others near me. I would imagine it's simply because all of the actors that do those signings, are currently in Louisiana. Boo. Ah well, it's for a good cause...a little thing called Breaking Dawn ;)

Saturday morning I hopped out of bed and drove down to my local Target. I didn't get there until about 10am, however there were plenty of copies left...as I'd suspected.

Here are a few pics from my Eclipse Saturday:

They had a regularly packaged 2 disc or a fancy packaged 2 disc.
I opted for fancy, ES opted for regular. Eventually I want regular too!

My "fancy" copy came with some Eclipse photos...
I gave Jacob to my Mom ;)

Here I am all ready to head over to my parents...
Of course I had to sport my Eclipse Edward shirt.

Mini E (aka Small Town Edward) came along to my parents!
He's now used to our wine shenanigans.

It was really cool seeing all of ES's DVD's together.
STE thought it was pretty sweet too!

ES & I watched the movie with my Mom & Dad. We drank, ate and overall had a great time. I almost PMSL when ES proclaimed that Billy Black was a PILF.

Parapalegic I'd like to fuck.

We're going to hell for laughing at that one.

Of course she was joking. Right ES? Right?

A few minutes later my Mom says..."If Billy is a PILF, then Riley is a NILF!"

LMAO, gotta love my Mom!

On an entirely different note....look what I got in the mail this week from one of my twitter besties @edwardsisobel! She sent it all the way from Australia!

True Blood Season 3!!!
And, a VERY sweet letter with most gorgeous pic of ASkars aka Eric Northman.

Awhile back we'd been talking about how much she was loving True Blood just as much as I had. She ended up having with-drawls after she'd finished season 2 and a friend came to the rescue and gave her a copy of S3! After expressing how insanely jealous I was, she said she'd do her best to copy it and send it my way. Do you realize it's not even available for rent here in the US!!?? Gaaaah!

I can only watch it on my lap top because it's in avi format...don't ask me what that means. All I know is that I had to frantically download some program that could have potentially risked my entire Rob porn collection, to be able to view the burned copy. Needless to say it worked, and I'm now enjoying the latter half of S3...where I'd left off....Rob porn still intact.

Thank you again @edwardisobel!

If I could give you a night with him, I would.
But then I'd like him back... ;)

Hope everyone had a blast this weekend!