Friday, December 17, 2010

Let's Revisit The Past, Shall We?

December 27th of last year, I wrote a post about my wishes for 2010. I thought it might be fun to revisit those wishes and see what came true..what didn't..and what was just plane silly. This years writing is in is quite obvious ;)

5 Wishes for 2010

2010 <~~~~~~the year i turn 30! (GASP!) Now I'm on my way to 31, geez time flies when you're having fun in Twiland.
Back to my wishes: <~~~~See, I even got side tracked a year ago.

1. My memory of reading the Twilight Saga to be erased for 1 week, solely for the purpose of re-reading the 4 books for the 1st time. Then I'd like it back please. My Twi-memory that is...
This hasn't happened, but I still dig the idea.

2. Robert Pattinson. That isn't really too much to ask. I don't mean forever, just for a know...he has Stephanie Ritz pick me up and take me to meet him at the Chateau Marmont for drinks, we then head out to some laid back pub in LA...paparazzi in tow of course. "Who the hell is that blonde midget with RPattz?" We have several more drinks of course. We sit close, listen to a live band play, bond over a plethora of "things", gaze seductively into each each others eyes...Then eventually we make our way back to the hotel, paprazzi in tow, and go up to his room. We sit out on the balcony while he smokes and recites lines from Twilight...then we soak in a bubble dot dot...
This hasn't happened BUT being a Robsten fan, it's hard to really want it to happen. I like THEM together. IF he was single, then I'd say HELL YEAH!

3. More Robsten proof...ok ok I know this completely conflicts with my #2, but hey, it's my blog. I want real proof, like another hand holding pic, or a kiss or an admission...something!
Well as we all know...this wish came true!

4. Summit announces that they will in fact be filming Breaking Dawn.
Gaaah I can't believe we didn't know then. It's happening, it's happening!

Just stumbled across this at twifans tonight. LOVE IT.

Yeah...LOVE this too ;)

5. Jackson Rathbone falls deeply and madly in love with Sarah (ES)...then I could have a great brother in-law...wait a twi-minute...not such a good idea for me. I wouldn't want to ruin the close relationship I have with my beloved Sister by cheating on her with JRath...esp when RPattz is off with KStew. Geez. Well, guess I'm screwed...they got married.


I couldn't let her have all the fun.....I need to be able to oogle the Rathgasm as much as humanly possibly without guilt.


Stay tuned for my 5 Wishes for 2011!

What are your 5 Wishes for 2011..Twi-related or not...?



  1. Meet Rob(sten)

    Travel to Forks (never been)

    Attend a Boston Celtics and/or New England Patriots HOME game

    Remain employed

    And most of all, continue to share my life with my beloved hubby & son. :)

  2. Tiolie- Those sound like fabulous wishes.

    Psssst...NOTHING like seeing the Robsten dynamic in

    Here's to all your wishes coming true!

    xo J

  3. 1. Try to shuffle my vacation around April so I can go the US and be at the premier for WFE.
    2. Get close enough to Rob (and maybe touch his hair).
    3. Try to stop going on twitter & tumblr during work.
    4. Try to stop watching Robporn. (I'm sure this is impossible, but at least I'm trying, its the thought that counts, isn't it.
    5. Visit my sister & her family in Canada.

  4. You totally got me on the "they got married" but I thought it was JR or ES separately and I was really confused.

    LMFAO that your time spent with Rob would include a bath! Of course it would! LOL! Vampy Bella picture is one of the best I've seen!

  5. 1. Go to Hawaii with my Mom
    2. Go to the UK to meet my twi friends there
    3. Go back to Forks with Twitarded and friends
    4. Go to the Breaking Dawn premiere
    5. Go to Comic Con

    Hmmmm looks like I want to travel next year

    I need to add 6. Become independently wealthy!

  6. Jeeze, that Rathbone is one hot piece of ass. So is Rob but in completely different ways. I love them both...nom nom nom! My goals for 2011...hmmmmm. That's a hard one.


    2-Have more visits with Twi-friends. Especially during BD time!

    3- work out more

    4- Go gluten free for a few months to see if it's what's wrong w/ me.

    7- NaNoWriMo

    8- Threesome with Rob And Jackson. Even if it's in a dream. ;)


  7. Love the recap! Can't wait to see what your wishes for 2011 are! It's always fun to wish, huh?! :)

    Mine go something like this...

    1. Meet Trixie IRL.
    2. Breathe the same air as His Hottness
    3. Visit Forks/Seattle
    4. Go to the BD1 premiere.
    5. Have the most epic BD party with all my Twihard friends.
    ...I could go on for another 5. I've got LOTS of wishes for 2011...high hopes. :)


  8. 1. To be happy
    2. To visit Seattle (Forks or not)
    3. To meet the rest of the Cullen men (1 to go)
    4. To meet a few of the best bloggers ever!
    5. Go to the BD premiere(s).

  9. Too cool that you remembered doing this last year (I would have forgetten it right, kiTT?)to compare.

    I'm so glad that you thought to wish for more proof of Robsten. Those pictures still give me chills :)

    Wow. I don't know if I can narrow it to just five, so it goes without saying that I will always wish for continued health and happiness for my family and friends. That way I can make my five wishes for this post all about my bloggy world.

    5. Have Rob announce he's going to do a romantic comedy with someone like Kate Beckinsale, one where he is from England and gets to use his own voice.

    4. Go to the premiere of Breaking Dawn and do the whole tent city thing with Twilove1_Sue and company. (Glad to hear there are more of you wanting to do that. PARTY!)

    3. Meet Jackson Rathbone at a 100 Monkeys Concert with Twilove1_Sue, Jen, and ES :)

    2. More music from Rob!

    1. Win the lottery, so I can make all of my wishes come true and then some.


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